October 22, 2008 friendswelove 120 SECONDS, VIDEO Ellis Gallagher aka © Ellis G., Visual Artist :: 120 Seconds October 22, 2008 friendswelove 120 SECONDS, VIDEO Brooklyn based shadow artist Ellis Gallagher aka © Ellis G. airs his thoughts on common sense, respect, the NYC Police Department and clarifies the differences between “street art” and “graffiti.”
October 15, 2008 friendswelove 120 SECONDS, VIDEO Gary Taxali, Artist :: 120 Seconds October 15, 2008 friendswelove 120 SECONDS, VIDEO Toronto-based artist, Gary Taxali talks about Bollywood films, the reoccurring "hero" role and their influence on his life and work.
September 1, 2008 friendswelove 120 SECONDS, VIDEO Cacy Forgenie, Journalist + Artist :: 120 Seconds September 1, 2008 friendswelove 120 SECONDS, VIDEO Cacy Forgenie describes the many services and opportunities provided by the Rush Arts Gallery & Resource Center to artists and kids who would otherwise not have access or be given exposure.