One of our favorite things about running this ship is being able to shine the brightest lights we got in the joint on some of our super talented friends and family. Today, it’s with great pleasure that we empty out every box of star dust on our homie, Señor Scott Albrecht. This artist, and his loving wife Malena got nice and cozy in our hearts many years ago and thankfully never left. It’s been so uplighting to watch Scott’s artistic evolution that has no signs of slowing down. Now please, and I really mean please, spend some time checking out his amazing woodworks, sculptures and public works - Watch his videos, check out his page on Artsy and allow yourself to get inspired and maybe even a little star dusted.
He also does a wicked Chewbacca impersonation.

My work is inspired by an ongoing observation of the situations happening around me, from the larger, shared experiences of our current events down to the more personal and intimate moments. I look at these experiences not in isolation from each other but as connected and often informing a larger conversation of how we are all connected. Through my work I reflect and distill those insights in an attempt to preserve those times or feelings during them. Because of this, I often see the final works as artifacts or reminders of what is taken away, and have come to use this perspective as a guide in my work — to create something worth being reminded of.